Enjoy the serenity of fishing and the unrivaled thrill of a bite on the line at all three of our County parks - Camp Hawk, East Park and West Park.

All prospective fishers are welcome to fish all day in our parks after obtaining a State of Kansas fishing license. Acquiring a fishing license is easy, and can be done online or at several locations in Harvey County, including at the seasonal bait shops at East Park and West Park or the county courthouse.

Before setting out to cast a line, be sure to visit our East Park and West Park bait shop. Along with fishing poles, bait and other tools, the bait shops also have food, beverages and camping essentials. 

We hope you make lasting memories fishing in our parks, and wish you the best of luck. Please be mindful of our creel and length limits for Camp HawkEast Park and West Park. These pages can also provide you an idea of what fish are commonly found in our parks.