The Harvey County government held steady with its financial outlook moving into 2024, able to report fund balances largely similar to previous years.
The County brought a general fund balance of $7,144,918 into 2024. About $900,000 of that is remaining Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act funding.
The County carried about $7.8 million into 2023, though still including the aforementioned CARES funds and about $2 million in American Rescue Plan Act monies.
Of note was a boon in investment income in 2023. County financial investments brought back an additional $1.5 million this past year, about $1.3 million more than in 2022.
"We did quite well this year with our investments, so that's a big, big change," said Harvey County Assistant Administrator Shannon Kingsley.
The County was comfortably above its fund balance requirement, set at just under $2.9 million. The fund balance requirement is set at 15% by internal policy.
"The County continues to be positioned to plan and prepare for future commitments, both planned and unplanned," Kingsley said.
Some of the funds have been earmarked in pencil over previous years for large-scale projects, some that may come to fruition in coming years. Preliminary work has begun to remodel the Pine Street facility at 215 S. Pine St. in Newton. Other potential projects on the horizon could include remodels for the Harvey County Courthouse and Harvey County Detention Center, and addressing a future site for the Harvey County Road and Bridge Department.
County general fund revenues accumulated about $18.4 million this past year, with the majority coming from taxes. General fund expenditures cost about $19.2 million, including paying personnel, contract agreements and fund transfers. Public safety made up about 50% of overall costs.
The fund balances included unaudited financial data, as the results of the County's annual independent financial audit will be available at a later date. Figures may be adjusted accordingly at that time.
(Updated March 4, 2024)