The Harvey County Health Department, located at 215 S. Pine St. in Newton, will close to the public Dec. 26 through Jan. 3, 2025 as preparations begin for the remodeling of the facility. 

Health Department offices are anticipated to reopen Jan. 6 for regular business hours.

The Health Department is currently stationed on the second floor of the three-story building. During the closure, equipment and technology will be moved to the third floor, where the Health Department will operate as renovations begin in January on the second floor.

The Health Department is scheduled to move back to its permanent home on the second floor in about three months.

The second-floor remodel is part of a larger, full-facility project meant to move additional Harvey County departments into the Pine Street building, and in turn, alleviate space needs at the Harvey County Courthouse. 

Harvey County had previously rented the second floor of the Pine Street building since 2015 for Health Department programs and services. The Harvey County Commission approved the purchase of the building in November of 2022.

This past November, the Commission accepted a bid from Vogts Construction for $1,877,000 to remodel the facility.

Meetings for the Harvey County Food & Farm Council, regularly held monthly on the first Monday at 4 p.m., will convene at the Newton Public Library while construction is underway at Pine Street.

The Healthy Harvey Coalition will meet on Feb. 5 at noon at the McKinley Administrative Center. The HHC will meet April 2 at noon at the Newton Public Library.

The Harvey County Breastfeeding Coalition meets the second Wednesday of each month at noon. Locations for those meetings will be announced later.

(Updated Dec. 17, 2024)