The Harvey County Register of Deeds Office provides recordings of public documents, including deeds, mortgages, mortgage releases, military discharges and federal and state liens.
Deeds staff can also help the public with research. Researching time is provided by appointment. Please call the Deeds Office to schedule an appointment.
The Deeds Office charges fees for some services, including the register of deeds filing fee schedule and uniform commercial code fee schedule.
For Kansas real estate sales validation questionnaire or mortgage cap affidavit forms, click here.
Our office is not processing passport applications at this time. To find organizations providing passport application services, visit the U.S. Department of State's website.
The register of deeds is an elected position. The register of deeds serves a four-year term. Raquel Langley is the current register of deeds. Langley was elected to a full term that continues through 2028.